The Kalikatzarous Animation Trilogy consists of three (3) full-length animated films that highlight the point of view of the creative students of a modern Greek village, dominated by garbage, lack of productivity and exaggeration in computing communication, using as a vehicle the traditional myth of Greek Kalikatzarous and the memories of an old woman, the Grandmother, of the village. The balance of the students action between the new and the old world leads, ultimately, to a new folk tradition. The project is accompanied by a series of interactive activities and cultural products in order to maintain a close relationship with their audience.. These activities include:
Animation Workshops where the audience create Klaikatzarous (the Greek goblin) which is main narrative element of the stories
Narrative Exhibitions with mix reality applications, as alternative screening of the films.
Animation Augmented Reality Books
The power of folk tradition to reinterpret the modern world .
The First Story: Autumn - Winter The myth of the Greek goblin-Kalikatzarous leads the creativity of the village students against a decadent situation that dominates their village. Status: In the Production Stage
The Second Story: Winter - Spring Highlighting the Halloween side of the Greek goblin Kalikatzarous combining student creativity with Dionysian aspects of human nature. Status: In the Development Stage
The Third Story: Summer Combination of traditional shadow theater and educational robotics technology with the playful nature of the Greek goblin Kalikatzarous. Status: In the Writing Stage
PRESS BELLOW to see the Creative Process and the Animactions of the Kalikatzarous project